We outline how we are spending the additional catch-up funding provided by the government to address the learning loss and wider pastoral impact of COVID 19 on pupils.
Torriano catch-up priorities are as follows:
● To ensure all pupils are safe and happy at school as well as able to show good learning behaviours.
● To raise the attainment of all pupils to close the gap created by COVID-19 school closures.
● To ensure accelerated progress in writing over time for all pupils in Key Stage One and Two.
● To close the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils and other pupils in reading and writing for children.
● To ensure accelerated progress in language development for children in EYFS and Year 1.
● To close the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils and other pupils in Year 1 and EYFS.
● To ensure behaviour and special needs in KS1 are not a barrier to learning for all children
● To ensure gaps in maths knowledge from previous year’s learning are closed.
● To ensure key gaps in skills and knowledge are identified across the wider curriculum.
Download our full Covid Catch-Up Premium document 2021-2022.