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Communicating the information report

We have placed this information here on our website.

You will also find our SEND policy on the website.

You can also pick up a copy of our SEND policy from our office.

We can provide you with links and information on issues such as:

  • identification of children with SEND and
  • personal plans, including EHCP.
  • specific learning difficulties

If you want to talk to member of staff we will arrange for a member of staff to meet you and answer your questions. Please let us know if you need an interpreter or British Sign Language* signer – we will do our best to provide this support.

Torriano Primary School’s SEND information report links to the information which Camden Local Authority* provides for parents and carers of children with SEND. You can see this on its website http://www.localoffer.camden.gov.uk/.

We have a summary of Camden Local Authority information in our school office; office staff will be pleased to give you a copy.

Related pages

What is the SEND information report?
What kind of school is Torriano?
Who to contact for more information
Language Resource Base