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What kind of school is Torriano?

We are a Camden Primary School for children in EYFS – Year 6. You can read about our Rights Respecting Ethos here.

There are two classes in each year group.

Our most recent 2018 OFSTED report noted:

“Teachers and teacher assistants work skilfully to support the learning needs of disadvantaged pupils and those who have SEN and/or disabilities.”

Parents and carers of children with SEND have told us that we are ‘excellent at treating the children as individuals and celebrating their personal attributes’ and that their children are ‘confident and happy’.

Parents comment about the ethos of Torriano, ‘where children can understand and celebrate difference.’

We are pleased that parents and children feel that Torriano staff have ‘a great warmth and provide a welcoming atmosphere.’

Parents/carers have praised the quality of communication – school staff making appointments flexibly to accommodate the personal needs of families. They feel that we offer supportive workshops and work with families to support their children in different ways: ‘it really helps us to work with our children in the way that is most helpful to them.’

What our children tell us

Children with SEND have told us that they enjoy school, take part in wider opportunities and learn a lot in lessons. “I like it when the teacher makes comments about my work and gives me targets to help me. My teacher will sit with me and we look at my writing together to find out how to make it better.” They like that there are a number of adults that they can speak to who know them and their families well.

The children enjoy working with their peers and with other professionals. They like having their parents fully involved in their school: ‘I enjoyed how the parents came in and joined in with the activities we were doing.’

Our vision – what we think is important
  • We believe that children must be nurtured to encourage achievement.
  • We want our children to grow in confidence; a quality that is essential to accomplishment in life.
  • We hope our children will leave us to become valued citizens of the future.
  • We offer outstanding teaching coupled with a caring atmosphere.
  • We will always involve parents and children in planning and reviewing progress; we know that parent are the first educators of their child – we need their knowledge to plan effectively
  • We know that the earlier we identify special educational needs and provide support, the more successful our children will be.
  • We will provide expert support and resources for children with SEND to fulfil their potential.
  • Our starting point is to guarantee a whole school approach to making provision for children with SEND.
  • We make sure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to support all children with SEND in our school.
  • We provide regular training to staff to support the different needs of our children. We also provide support to parents through regular parent workshops.
How we learn with, and from, other schools

We are a learning community and believe that it is important to work with other schools to make sure that our knowledge, expertise and skills on SEND issues are up to date. We also share our best practice with other schools: for example, we recently held an open morning for professionals from other countries to discuss the way we support children with SEND.

We undertake visits to local schools to share our practice and look at aspects of their practice. We often host visits for other professionals to share our inclusive practices with colleagues.

Our inclusion team regularly attends the Local Authority SENDCO forum which keeps all schools up to date with national developments and local projects on inclusion.

Related pages

What is the SEND information report?
Communicating the information report
Who to contact for more information
Language Resource Base