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Keep in touch

Working with parents and carers is essential to building the children’s self-confidence as successful learners; we have a number of opportunities in place to ensure we effectively work together.

Key Person System

We understand that no one knows your child better than you. That is why we place partnerships with parents at the heart of what we do. When your child joins us they will be assigned a Key Person. Their role is to offer reassurance and care. The Key Person ensures that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs and works to build a supportive relationship with the child and parents. 

Learning Journals

We use an electronic learning journal called Tapestry, where staff place photographs and observations of the children which you can access with your own secure individual password. Tapestry also allows you to add your own photographs and notes of things the children may have done at home. You are set up with a Tapestry account already – please ensure you activate this through the link emailed to you.

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Nursery offer
Nursery Terms & Conditions
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