The maths curriculum at Torriano builds and shapes our pupils to be passionate and life-long mathematicians. From understanding the basic principles of one-to-one correspondence to decoding multi-step algebraic problems, we are ambitious to equip students with the skills, depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for mathematics learning, within and beyond the subject.
Knowledgeable Learners
- We will develop fluent mathematicians, who have strong number sense and confidence in problem solving and reasoning, through a coherent curriculum.
- Maths teaching delivers all the requirements of the National Curriculum for all children.
- Children have an understanding of how new learning builds upon their prior learning and can notice connections between current and prior learning.
- Knowledge and skills are developed through the progression of concrete representations, pictorial representations to more abstract calculations.
- Children spend more time thinking deeply about key concepts in order to better understand them and make connections with other areas of the mathematics curriculum.
Confident Communicators
- Children will continuously develop their ability to problem solve and apply their reasoning skills.
- Maths lessons will develop children’s fluency and emphasise the necessity of over-learning key number facts through choral chanting, singing, memorisation games and repetition.
- Explicit teaching of key new mathematical vocabulary forms an integral part of all maths lessons.
- Sentence stems are used to support children’s ability to explain, and allow them the opportunity to practise new vocabulary.
- Our reasoning scale (Add’em scale), is used throughout maths lessons enabling children to describe, then show their method before moving to explaining concepts and justifying them with mathematical proof.
Active Citizens
- Children are motivated to secure their fluency through regular quizzes, MOT awards and success in the inter-school Autumn and Spring times table slams.
- Exposure to a multitude of strategies, both mental and formal, encourages our learners to ask themselves what suits their needs best, creating more active and independent mathematicians.
- Continued access to concrete equipment across key stages encourages self-directed learning and resilience, ambition and an understanding for those who work in different ways.
- Children have an understanding of how maths shapes the world through a number of projects: Maths Week, Ada Lovelace Day, census day and whole-school STEAM projects.
- Children will be made aware of how mathematics links to the other school subjects, their lives outside of school and the world around them.
- Teachers use the NCETM curriculum prioritisation documents to ensure that pupils have a firm foundation of all mathematical concepts, are secure in their number knowledge and fact fluency and ready to progress to the next year group. A clear progression of key skills and concepts is mapped.
- Professional Development Meetings focused on mathematics are held regularly for teachers and support staff to increase the capacity and expertise of all staff.
- KS1 and KS2 planning follows the National Curriculum using the DfE mathematics guidance to inform the learning. Teachers also use the NCETM progression document along with the spine points to ensure small steps are taught. White Rose is used to support reasoning challenges.
- Teachers plan a unit using an ‘S’ plan and the children’s learning journey is derived from this to maintain cohesion.
- EYFS uses the Mastering Number programme alongside the DfE development matters guidance to structure the teaching of mathematics in EYFS.
- Parent workshops and parents evening support documents.
- A mastery curriculum and approach is consistently implemented in mathematics ensuring every child is learning as a part of the class and teaching is adapted through the use of small steps.
- Assessment is used through: regular low stakes quizzes, retrieval activities, pre and post-unit assessments and formal PUMA assessments every term. These all inform teacher judgement.
- Regular fluency quizzes and inter school competitions are used to maintain confidence in fluency.
- Teachers have high expectations of all pupils and pupils are expected to be active contributors in lessons using the Reasoning Scale to articulate their thought process
- Equal access to career pathways are promoted. Through our innovative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) education offer, children and our community regularly engage with London’s rich cultural and business partnerships.
We measure the impact of the curriculum against various outcomes through:
- Standardised summative assessment points at EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
- Pupil voice is monitored regularly through questionnaires and interviews with a range of children from EYFS to upper KS2.
- Learning walks and book monitoring by maths leaders and senior leadership team takes place regularly and key findings are reported to governors.
- Staff questionnaires and feedback during regular staff CPD.
- Assessment data is reviewed by class teachers and SLT in termly pupil progress meetings.
- Teaching staff attend moderation training between the federation and with other Camden schools.
- Subject leaders meet with the Maths governor between the federation.
- The school strives to achieve excellent end of Key Stage results that are above local and national averages for all learners.
Please click for the Torriano Primary Maths progression document.