Many children with Speech and Language and Communication Needs (SLCN), including Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) can have their needs met successfully in mainstream schools.
A Language Resource Base (LRB) is a specialist provision based within a mainstream school. It is designed for pupils who would benefit from a mainstream placement but require additional opportunities to learn in a specialist environment that can be modified to optimise the child’s experience. There is one Language Resource Base in Camden; this is at Torriano Primary School.
Children attending the LRB at Torriano receive regular, specialist support, both within the base and also within their class. Children accessing this provision will receive support from speech and language therapists, specialist teachers and teaching assistants. This ensures that children and young people can focus on the curriculum and have additional input to address their specific needs. Their provision will be specified in their EHCP.
Parents and carers of children who have speech and language difficulties are encouraged to make an appointment to visit the Language Resource Base at Torriano in order to discuss the possibility of a placement for their child. Pupils identified as having a language or social and communication difficulty may then be referred to the SEN team for consideration. Information is gathered from a range of sources in order to decide whether needs can be met in mainstream school or whether they can be best met through the provision provided by the LRB.
The LRB has 2 places in each year from Reception to Year 6. In all cases, children and young people attending the LRB will have an Education Health Care Plan which reflects the need for additional provision that cannot be provided within a mainstream setting. The plan typically specifies that a social and communication difficulty or a specific language impairment has been identified.
Staff are well trained to support children with additional needs and we are proud to offer a high level of universal provision. This is evident through our inclusive practices, use of visually supportive resources and robust staff training schedule.